Rigid Urs is a term named for stones stuck in a kidney stone. Especially in order to reach the stones stuck in the urinary canal, the problem area is reached with a rigid endoscopy device, the stones are broken with laser technique and the environment is cleaned. In terms of usage, the size of the stone is determined by the camera system on the goose tip. The problem area is treated more easily with this method. It provides immediate treatment of the problem area with its effective and durable breaking capacity without the need for an open wound from the outside. For this reason, it can be easily used in deeper treatment processes. You can reach us from Ankara region and request a device for the disease you are experiencing through our company.

Flexsible Urs provides the disintegration of the stone stuck in the urinary canal, which causes discomfort in the kidney or ureter, by laser treatment. The area is cleaned of stones with the laser method, without making any cuts on any part of the body, without allowing the risk of open wounds to occur. This also prevents the risk of bleeding in the future. The person will feel better after the treatment process and will be able to continue his vital activities more comfortably. It will not be necessary to be bedridden for a long time. After this treatment, which lasts for about 20 minutes, physical activities can be completed in a standard way. How can I get Rigid - Flexsible Urs? It can be done with a perfect sales process by calling Akyol medical company for the answer to the question. When it is desired to rent, the necessary maintenance and repair is carried out and delivered to the relevant person by the company. In order to gain access to the device in a short time, you can reach us via our telephone line and request an appointment.

The accumulation of stones of different sizes stuck in the bladder and kidney area in the body can obstruct the urinary tract and harm the comfort of daily life. In such a case, the problem area can be treated in a short time with the Rigid Urs or Flexsibel Urs device. The person can adapt to life in a short time after the treatment process. The important thing here is the application of local anesthesia technique and the laser system is developed with camera techniques and applied to the patient. This reduces the risk of pain and suffering and prevents sudden bleeding that may occur. Stones accumulated in two different kidney areas of the body can be removed with a single session thanks to the device. Moreover, there will be no pain or bleeding during the treatment process. The person feels better on the same day. There is no tissue loss in the kidney area. No scar is formed. You can reach our support unit as soon as possible and get information on the subject in order to obtain devices through our Akyol Medikal company. During the production phase of the devices, services are offered with different brands and models. You can get more detailed information on the subject by calling our company.